Spotlights and winnings

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Gluten and sugar free pancake

You may know that my family follows that palaeolithic diet - all right, except my daughter who always cheats :-)

Lately I have tried to make many paleo pancake recipe sbecause Eszter doesn't like the pancake with chestnut flour. She finds it bitter.

So, this is one of my good recipes which pass through Eszter's strict filter :-)


200 grammes oat flake flour

1 medium-sized banana

3 eggs


2 tablespoons olive oil

As here, in Luxembourg I can't buy oat flake flour just oat flake I make it by myself with a coffee grinder. 

I mix the flour with the eggs, banana and water. In the end I add the olive oil too.

It's worth to wait a little until the oat absorbs the water. The oat can absorbs a lot of water. (I had to add plus water when I was already making the pancakes.)

From this amount I could make 8 pancakes.

These pancakes are a little bit thicker than the "normal" wheat flour pancakes but they are gluten and sugar free and they don't tear apart.

We, adults ate my sister's plum and fig jam with them. She made this special jam with erythritol. Thank you, Hédi!

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