Spotlights and winnings

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Christmas decorations from salt dough

This weekend I prepared some salt dough decorations with Eszter. Friday evening we made all the forms and we dried them thoroughly. For the dough, we mixed and kneaded the same amount of salt and flour with some water.

This year I modified a little the technique I like. I used cookie cutters again but I pressed a pattern into each shape. We tried to use my daughter's Christmas stamp set, but they didn't look good. They looked like as if they had an accident.

The heart with smaller heart printed in was the most neat of our forms. I used two sizes cookie cutters. The big to cut out the shapes and the little to press patterns on both sides.

We had also nice pieces using a straw. I made holes evenly. The flowers are the best, they seem lacy.

On the pine shape I made some round decorations with a cap of a pen.

I painted them with acrylic paint in different colours. I painted gold around the patterns. In the end I covered with lacquer.

And here is my latest decoration which is really low budget. We picked up some fallen branches in the nearby playground. At home I cleaned them and I put them into a jug. I placed the salt dough ornaments on the branches. Voilà!

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