Spotlights and winnings

Friday 21 December 2012

Jar for the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This was made for a Harry Potter fan schoolgirl as a Christmas present. Because you have to know that lately it’s very hard to find the “real” Bertie Bott’s sweets. And if you  happen to come across it, you will realize immediately that you have to pay a lot of money to have a teensy-weensy pocket.

And by the way, I’m sure that most of the little ones don’t have the courage to taste a vomit, a rotten egg or a booger flavour “candy”. I also bet that even we, adults are not brave enough to put these yucky taste into our mouths. 

In case that I’m wrong I have bought a tiny pocket marked HARRY POTTER - BERTIE BOTT’S EVERY FLAVOUR BEANS which supposedly contains the flavours I have just mentioned and many more besides: soap, earwax, sausage, black pepper and so on.

In case that I’m right, I prepared this special candy jar. For this I have used an empty jam jar and I have made a label in one of the text editors with the sign: Bertie Bott’s Every Falvour Beans. I printed the label, I cut it out and I glued on the jar.

I have painted four coats of green on the lid with imitating the same green you can see on the shelves of the Honeyduke Sweetshop. In the end I added two coats of lacquer as well. 

After the first coat of paint

The lacquer is drying

I have bought a box with 36 yummy tastes from the same company - JELLY BELLY - that also produces Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. 

So I just filled up the jar with those candies, I tied a yellow ribbon under the lid and voilà it looks like a candy jar from the Honeydukes Sweetshop.

Some interesting details about the Jelly Belly Beans:

  • the Jelly Belly beans are gluten and nut free 
  • they sell sugar free beans too
  • one jelly bean is 4 calories
  • the Jelly Belly beans were the favourites of Ronald Reagan

My other blogpost on this subjects:

Alternative party bag

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